Saturday, 7 September 2013


Hi! My name is Annette. I'm currently a student at QUT and I'm studying my Masters in IT: Library and Information Science. I was very close to enrolling as a teacher-librarian but decided against it at the last minute. I figured the same reason I decided not to pursue my teaching career would probably be the same reason I would not enjoy being a teacher-librarian. Take from that what you will :)

I enjoy working with young people and I enjoy watching them form their views around popular culture. I love learning and participatory culture and affinity spaces and hope to eventually research in this area one day.


  1. Nice first post Annette! I find that schools can sometimes be inhospitable places, but that is depends a lot on the school leadership...I'm intrigued as to why you avoided teaching-related careers, but won't beg you to tell. The mystery of it all is half the fun eh!

    Good job using tags on your post - I note they are called 'labels' on Blogger. Is there a 'category' function as well, or just labels? Also nice integration of a Twitter widget :)

  2. Hi Annette! Sounds interesting - so you did a teaching degree before heading into libraries? I work in an academic library and we have quite a few ex-teachers. I think it's a great background to have - so much of what we do involves teaching anyway. Looking forward to chatting with you about pop culture etc!

  3. Hi Kelli, thanks for your comment! I think ultimately my decision not to pursue teaching boils down to the fact I wasn't passionate about the whole 'classroom' setting. Being a librarian allows me to help students think critically and learn to LEARN by themselves.

    Caitlin, I'm thinking about pursuing my career in academic libraries, I'd love to hear more about your experiences! Can't wait to read your blog too!!
